Dr. Zahid Latif Joins TI as Senior Fellow

2024-05-31 20:36:52


On May 31, 2024, retired Pakistani Three-Star Lieutenant General Zahid Latif joined Taihe Institute (TI) as a senior fellow.

Dr. Latif is a graduate of National Defense University, Islamabad, Command and Staff College, Quetta, and People's Liberation Army Command College, Nanjing, and an alumnus of Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, Washington, D.C., and Cranfield University, UK. Dr. Latif has five master's degrees in political science, history, defense and strategic studies, and war studies. He received his doctorate in diplomacy from Peking University in 2019.

Dr. Latif has vast experience encompassing military diplomacy, the handling of peace and conflict issues, and tribal conflict resolution. His areas of expertise include the politics of South Asia, Afghanistan, and national security dynamics and foreign policy of Pakistan. He has multiple research publications with a regional focus covering geopolitics, international relations, and security studies. His book on Afghanistan, titled "Pakistan Search for Peace with Afghanistan," is currently awaiting publication.

China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. This relationship has withstood the test of time and remains solid. The joining of Dr. Latif becomes another example of and testimony to China-Pakistan friendship in terms of people-to-people exchanges.

Dr. Latif has profound practical experience and academic knowledge in military security and international relations, and his joining will further enhance the research capabilities of Taihe Institute in relevant areas. It's highly anticipated that Dr. Latif and Taihe Institute will work together for the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative and towards the overall prosperity and stability of the world.



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