On November 17, 2021, H.E. Teshome Toga Chanaka, Ambassador of Ethiopia to China, H.E. Mr. Rahamtalla M. Osman, Ambassador of the African Union to China, H.E. Mr. Mbelwa Kairuki, Ambassador of Tanzania to China, and Mr. Monzer Ali Eltayeb Abdalla, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Sudan participated in a seminar hosted by Taihe Institute, where they discussed domestic politics in Ethiopia, bilateral relations between China and Ethiopia, China’s ties with Africa, among other topics. Ms. Li Rong, Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute and Director of the West Asia and Africa Institute and China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (2005-2011), Mr. Zeng Aiping, Deputy Director at Department for Developing-Countries Studies of China Institute of International Studies, Mr. Zhang Yongpeng, Research Fellow of China-Africa Institute, and Mr. Li Wei, Senior Vice President of POLY-GCL Petroleum Group Holdings Limited, joined this seminar and exchanged views on the topics.

Ambassador Chanaka briefed participants about the current situation in Ethiopia, Ethiopia’s relationship with its neighboring countries, China’s relations with Ethiopia, and the situation of Ethiopia-based Chinese corporates. Other ambassadors expounded their views on related issues and offered suggestions for promoting China’s relations with Ethiopia and Africa.
1. An Overview on the Situation in Ethiopia
Ambassador Chanaka said that in response to the massive casualties resulting from the military conflict and the displacement of refugees, the Ethiopian government has declared a state of emergency throughout the country and has taken necessary measures, hoping that the people will receive due humanitarian assistance. As a multi-ethnic country, Ethiopia faces a series of issues and challenges. A prominent area is state governance in terms of the formation of a common identity and the promotion of national unity. In response, Ethiopia aims to resolve these issues through peaceful means such as dialogue and negotiation.
Peace and stability in Ethiopia are essential to the security and prosperity of the entire African region. At present, Ethiopia has a good relationship with its neighboring countries, and hopes to start negotiations within Africa. Meanwhile, Ethiopia seeks to maintain its independence with respect to its national policies and work closely with other countries while upholding its own culture and values.
Ambassador Chanaka stated that Ethiopia and China have maintained friendly relations for a long time. China has always been supportive to Ethiopia. China believes that Ethiopia has the capability and wisdom to address its internal affairs. Moreover, China is Ethiopia’s largest trading partner and investor. Ethiopia promises that the investment of Chinese firms and companies will not be affected, and that it will ensure the safety and security of all personnel currently present in Ethiopia. Ambassador Chanaka believes that China and Ethiopia will continue to maintain their cordial relationship with open communication and fruitful interactions.
2. Suggestions from Ambassadors and Experts
Ambassadors from the African side emphasized that Ethiopia is an important member of the African Union. Its peace and stability are instrumental to that of the entire African continent. Some participants observed that western media tend to be biased when it comes to reporting on African issues. China, on the other hand, has always maintained a good relationship with Africa. In light of this, the African side hopes that high-level meetings and negotiations between China and Ethiopia will help ease tensions within Ethiopia. In addition, neighboring countries are very concerned about the situation in Ethiopia. They expressed willingness to continue providing support for Ethiopia and to strengthen the friendship between the countries.
Experts from China commented that the situation in Ethiopia is distressing, and the conflict clearly indicates that Ethiopia is still in the transitional phase of its regime change. The country needs to transcend ethnic and partisan disputes, reconcile consensus, strengthen the unity and cooperation of the ruling coalitions, and continue to improve governance according to Ethiopia’s domestic affairs. In view of the situation in Ethiopia, the African Union should play a leading role within the framework of the United Nations and involve neighboring countries of Ethiopia to mediate the situation. China-Ethiopia relations have a solid foundation and there is great potential for future cooperation initiatives. China hopes that Ethiopia can restore stability and economic development as soon as possible.
Ethiopia is a large African country with a long history. The African continent has great potential for development and is an important area in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative. Taihe Institute plans to host similar activities in the future to better serve as a bridge that connects China and Africa, and thereby contribute to strengthening China-Africa relations.
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