On December 19, the third conference of the non-governmental forum of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) opened in Chongqing, with the theme of “CICA’s Vision: Building an Asian Community with a Shared Future”. The conference brought together about 300 participants from China and overseas, including former political leaders, experts, scholars, journalists and envoys to China from CICA member countries, for in-depth discussions on promoting peace, stability and development in Asia. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Rashid Alimov, distinguished fellow of Taihe Institute and former secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Mr. Wu Hailong, senior fellow of Taihe Institute and President of the China Public Diplomacy Association, delivered speeches.

In his speech, Mr. Alimov said that, against the background of the current instability in international relations and the rapidly changing world landscape, the cooperation and trust of Asian countries depended to a large extent on the process of regional economic integration. The Belt and Road Initiative had been embraced and supported by most Asian countries, and its advocacy of mutual benefit and win-win results was bringing all-round connectivity and making important contributions to Asian economic integration. He pointed out that “China's experience in poverty alleviation is of great significance for Asia and elsewhere in the world, and is worthy of careful study from both social and conceptual perspectives.” Mr. Alimov also stressed the important role that technological innovation could play in achieving prosperity in Asia. “In 2018, about two-thirds of the world’s patents came from Asia, which was a great contribution to human civilization, and China’s efforts should not be underestimated,” said Mr. Alimov.

Summing up the valuable experience of the nearly three-decade evolution of CICA, Mr. Wu Hailong pointed out that, during the process of regional integration, “mutual respect is the prerequisite, development is the key, and cooperation is the solution”. CICA’s growth is largely because it is built on the basis of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, peaceful mediation of disputes and the sharing of the right to development being upheld as the basic principle for the development of relations between nations, and advocating mutual respect, understanding, tolerance, and the diversity of different civilizations.”
In order to face the variety of challenges under the new circumstances, Mr. Wu proposed several courses of action for CICA member countries. First, strengthening awareness of mutual responsibility and jointly responding to regional and global challenges. Second, strengthening exchange and collaboration and promoting strategic alignment as part of the Belt and Road Initiative framework. Third, building mutual trust among countries, enhancing understanding, and eliminating misconception and hostility. Fourth, encouraging the media to play a more active role in promoting friendly and cooperative relations among CICA member countries.

Asia is the most dynamic region in the world today, with huge growth potential, but at the same time, it also faces various challenges in the new environment. In this situation, seizing opportunities and responding to the challenges together requires exchange of views and building greater consensus on cooperation. The Taihe Institute is committed to playing a constructive role in promoting mutual learning and exchanges between civilizations and bringing harmony to the world, and will continue to promote non-governmental exchanges among CICA member countries, driving the process of building an Asian community with a shared future.
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